Lead your industry with proprietary, breakthrough materials
Saprex Solution Development gives you our full capability, focused completely on your needs while working in partnership together. Using our proven Kinetic Development Methodology focused directly on your challenges, we help you realize what’s possible quicker and more cost effectively.
We start by discussing all the challenges and what you would like to accomplish. We pride ourselves in attaining a great understanding of your true underlying problem. Through attaining this understanding, we are able to create highly efficient and cost effective solutions. We are a company of applied science - testing various materials and combinations. This allows us to think out-of-the-box while designing your breakthrough product.
We build prototypes in days, not months or years
Focusing on rapid development, everything we do, we have the ability to do in-house. We stock a wide range of materials and equipment parts. From chemically treating, to sewing a prototype, to testing it – we have it all here at our lab. If we need a new piece of test equipment, we could probably have something up and running tomorrow.
As your development partner, we promise to listen, be open-minded and ask tough questions for us both. We will constantly challenge what’s possible, be honest and deliver on our promises.